Tuesday, March 11, 2014

William Tell Mitchell, Jr

I dug out this small ink drawing from college days, upon the death of old friend William Mitchell. In this drawing, David Lowery is seated on the floor drawing, Eva Roberts (teacher extraordinaire) is the small curly haired woman standing with her back to us, and just above right of her head is small round head, which is William Mitchell. Trying to get back to this blog, but Google issues persist.


Trying to get back to this blog. Google issues! Here is a small ink drawing from 1982, I dug this out upon the death of my old friend from college, William Mitchell. In this drawing I did David Lowery is seated on the floor drawing, Eva Roberts is the tiny frizzy haired woman seen from behind, and just above her head is little round head that is William Mitchell.I'll try to post some more stuff, if this works!