Sunday, July 26, 2009

Comic Con aftermath

Whew. That was a LOT of people! If I go again to the con, I think I will just take photos. I didn't get much this time, on overload, and couldn't deal with the crowd to stop and get out my camera, etc. I hope the panel I was on seemed interesting to the audience. I enjoyed taking the train there, and came back on Saturday with Luis and Nicolas to really drink it all in. We really couldn't get into any of the presentations that we were after, had fun just shopping around. But taking photos and sketching would have been a great pastime there! Saw current and former students, and friends, too. Here are a few measlely sketches (one of Nicolas, 13, not wanting his face sketched). I really loved the two people dressed as paper bag hand puppets, life-size! the drawing doesn't do them justice.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,
It was nice seeing you again at the ComiCon. I enjoyed the last half of your panel on Costume Designing for Film, it was really interesting. I have to come to one of the figure drawing sessions on Sundays, I feel a little rusty:)

27 July, 2009 12:04  

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